Well...It's been rough the last couple of months.
oh, who am I kiddin...the last 11 years more or less...The boys have just about driven me
crazy and I have no other choice than to resort to my only option at this point...
The Jesus picture with the moving eyes no longer works...ELF POWER!
Now, first let me begin how I heard of the little elves. I have a couple of friends who have frequent visitors that appear after Thanksgiving. A letter arrives first of course. It's from Santa
dah, who else! Santa informed my friends children that he was sending his special little elves to
observe behavior and report back to him. Sometimes the elves get into
mischief and cause a little mess here and there..BUT it was the children's
responsibility to clean it up. My friend reported that their little elf got out
underwear and put it up all over the
Christmas tree..
ok, this could be fun, seriously, I can have some REAL fun with this.. ahem, I mean..the Elves of course, not ME..So, somehow Santa heard my cries and decided that this year he was going to let it ride since it's
soo close to Christmas and all... and just send a letter addressing the issue and letting them know that next year they would have a visitor. Oh, and miraculously he sent the little elf already so that he could make at least 1 appearance before the year is over. He's authentic of course,
original, one of a kind.. even has to be registered..
you know, Santa has several hundreds and thousands out right now, monitoring. Gotta know where everyone is, keep track..you know!His name is Cookies and Milk. We will call him "Cookie" for short. Probably to be in his good graces, he might have to have
plenty of cookies throughout his stay at our house. Also, since he is
original and one of a kind his little note will address that he should
NEVER EVER be touched!
Cookie allowed me to take a couple of photo's of him so that I could let everyone know about the Elves..

He has little "wings" too
yep this sucker's gotta fly alright, get out of harms way... See, he's holding the "authentic" note....
just in case you doubt my story...
Yep, I can see it now...oh the Elf stories to be had!! Hope this here blog will last a whole year. I have a feeling that it will, there is NEVER nothing to write about. It is just a timing thing. I need to limit to at least once or twice a week...too much time spent on the computer is too much damage to my home!
Umm, did want to let you all in on my pathetic Christmas Tree. For the past 3 years, we have had an issue of keeping ornaments on the tree and the
treee actually
standing erract. Artificial yes, if it was real, it would be worse
, imagine a cat "marking" a tree..hmm, not a good thing.
You see, we have a FAT and FURRY elf running around, one that frequently climbs up the tree and knocks it down. I am tired of replacing tree's and ornaments..etc. So, the past 2 years, I have refused to add any ornaments. In fact,
stupid me, I decided that we needed a newer tree last year and replaced it. Same deal, limbs no longer stay upright because it can't afford to hold a 20 lb cat...so it looks pitiful yet once again. Here is a visual of the darn thing. Notice the
no presents underneath.
well, that is if you can see under it....Umm, that could be because the overweight furry thing, likes to tear things up ( even without nails) and of course, Keaton. Christian, just stands there and "looks" even " directs" on opening the corners etc... then will report to me what Keaton or the cat had done. Nice.
Good luck with that Cookie! You've got your work cut out for you!!First, here is the
predator.... Don't let that cute furry face make you feel sorry for him! It's a disguise...he is as much of a handful as the boys....

Came home to this the other day...well, most days since Thanksgiving. See him?? The tree is actually in our front dining room. We have a couch and a chair along with my
treadmill in there..

Found him
climbing this morning. Caught it just before it fell...

Tree down! You can't see him, but he's underneath it just
hangin out.

So, there ya have it. I could lock Waffle up all day, that wouldn't be nice.
Santa might not get me something :( So, I just assume that one day he will out grow the need to "climb". Right. He's a cat. Well, if anyone
wants to know about the elves and
might need one to come visit your home... just email me and I can let you know where I found him..
aghemm, I mean...I can let you know how to get in touch with SANTA to send you one...