Monday, January 12, 2009

A little Housekeeping...

lol! It's been so long since I last updated that I almost forgot my password. Phew! A lot has gone on in a short period of time. Keaton has kept me busy with : tape everywhere, his makeshift fans with flags all over the house, a whole box of honey buns found under his bed...empty, every poop means he want a bath ( we sometimes have 3 or 4 baths a day, yep he poops that much. He can't stand his own smell so he pushes what's ready.. out then gets in the tub never waiting for ALL of it... ok, TMI sorry), me stepping on a lego piece and almost needing stitches, slugs poppin up everywhere ( I know, crazy..I can't figure this out), me being on call for Jury Duty..look out..and really much much more but frankly I AM TIRED and it's only the 12th ! Here is to the 2009 and trying to enjoy these crazy moments and cherish the chaos in my home because someday they will be all grown my house will be quiet. hmm, quiet? What is that???

Anyway, a little update on Christian's Canine Companion quest. We have our last (yeee-haw!)interview this coming Thursday. Technically, they have this interview at the center ( which is in Orlando, Florida) but we were fortunate enough to have a representative come to Memphis instead. So, after this interview if all goes well we should be next in line for training, which I hope is in May. Two whole weeks in Orlando...umm, I forsee some exciting adventures ahead!!! If for some reason they can't find us the right dog, then we could be placed in the Aug or Nov class. Let's hope it's May!! The dog is bred and raised by CCI, they use Labrador Retriever's, and Golden Retriever's and a mix between the two. We hope for a lab ( shorter hair is less mess if you catch my drift). I am also hoping my mom will be able to come with us. Charles and Keaton will have to stay home as they do not want siblings around because they want this dog to bond with Christian and no one else. Anyway, keep your fingers cross for Christian this Thursday and the upcoming months. As far as his strength goes..well, no major changes still holding his own :)

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