So, now onto my little discovery... I actually found this quite humorous..I hope you all do as I KNOW he does not mean this!
EXACTLY how it is written:
Dear Keaton Powell
you are a pimp and you shutup your mouth. I hate you. I dont like you.
Your not playing my game tommoww. You are a dodo.
You are a brate day ( boy). Your not geting your pencle back.
I have your big pencile. You meet me at 3:00 tommorww.
this is the end of you.Your going to pay for what you do to me.
Look out Keaton, he has your big pencil and YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT BACK..tooo dang funny!!
Anyway, I also have this posted on my board at work...keeps me laughing!
Just so that you know I don't make this stuff up... here is the proof, hard to read, but here it is!
Because he is a diligent student, who goes above and beyond...he circled several words...not sure if they are adjectives pronouns or what have you..see, I was not that diligent of a student.
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