Oh yes! I have been completely down in the dumps ever since the dump landed in my driveway! I cannot even begin to tell you how depressed I've been, I mean you can take one look at my house and see that I've done nothing but wallow in my sorrows the past few days. Clothes everywhere, dishes undone, kids rooms a disaster because they know I won't get my boodie off the couch, mom's depressed... never seen this before, let's take advantage of good ole mom...Even told myself that I wouldn't write on this here blog until I can post some lovely pictures of the thing leaving the driveway!
So, that must mean GRRRRREAAAT NEWS hang on.. here is the story.. ( you know you can count on me for a good one..).
So, after the lovely trip home with the Hunk o Junk I had time to think about the major boo-boo that I just made. I don't take comfort in knowing that my boo-boo has caused some extreme laughter amongst the office and those checking my here blog...I still had it in my driveway to remind me of my stupidity. So, when Monday rolled around, and my friends couldn't stand my quiet self... I knew I had to do something...quick!!!
Took election day off ( you know, to observe the big decision that our country has to make) and immediately added the HUNK O JUNK on Craigslist. Never fully expecting to get any calls right away.. thought I would have few days before the stupid people call me. But NOOO, my cell phone was smoking about 15 minutes after I posted the mess. WOW! I just might have a great weekend after all! My email was even filling up... wow! Cool deal!
One guy came to inspect and all he could do was shake his head from side to side, scratch his big ole beer belly and pull up his pants. " Well, er, this thing here..ugh, she road ready or what?" Told him of the previous post, left a few missing parts, but none the less... you can't hide the GAPING HOLE! " Well, errr, ugh, yer might want to sell it for a little less, this err riiitch here needs some work. " here is the stupid people I was talking about, yah think? He then informed me that he was an " expert" in here " trailer repairs" and this would cost me over a couple grand to fix it. Nice, even more reason to get rid of it! Without futher a-do, he left me with his business card and some skin flakes as he was scratching every orifice of his body, and drove off.
Well, that's ok.. I have several other stupid people that want this. So ALL night, I was taking calls, emails and calls again...all during our country's vital time! But before I went to bed a angel of the stupid people called me, his name was James. He lives about 45 minutes from my house, and will be by in the morning to take a look at er. Wanted to know if someone would be home to let him take it if he wanted it...oh yes! Someone will be home, I can PROMISE you that! Called work, said I would be a little late, had " important" business to attend to. But guess what, James didn't show up :(
So, I waited til Chuck came home...told him the story, and what did he do? You betcha, he lite up his cigar. I'm thinking, well shoot, I just may need to start this here habit, will it make me feel any better???
So, off to work, fully "pouting". Co-workers just laugh and say... " Kristi Kristi Kristi" and laugh some more. All until my lovely spy of a neighbor calls me to tell me that someone in a blue pick up truck has backed into my driveway and is " hookin her up".... my response as captured by my co-worker and her new digital camera...

Now, don't you be kiddin me, I promise you I will take you out of this world if you are kiddin me....

For real???? Send me a picture!...

Ok, I believe you...take more shots of the thing leaving my house please! I need to document for this here blog...

Oh wait...I see it...I see the truck leaving my driveway!!!!
Quickly as I can, I call chuck...thinking he has stopped smoking by now. He tells me that this was a real nice older man whose hobby is fixin these duct tape beauty's up and selling em. Well butter my butt and call me a bisquit!! He paid us cash, exactly what I was asking for. The man was soo gratefull that Charles helped him re-apply the duct tape and rope that he was offering an extra 5o for his time and effort. Charles, smart man that he is...declined the offer. However he is forever bonded with the man and exchanged phone numbers... I say don't bother, you will see the thing again...you know, on your way to work on 412...I'm sure it will still be there next week when you go back to work!
Oh, say bye bye now! Going to the land of The Stupid People!...... The best anniversary present ever, watching it leave my driveway!!!
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