Monday, October 20, 2008

The Drug Deal

For those that are on Facebook, you will understand my post for yesterday morning and thought what in the world!

It all started with a doorbell waking us up early. Apparently the dude next door didn't quite know how to tie a tie and needed Charles' help. But when I openend the door and he took one look at me ( my hair does some crazy stuff while I'm asleep) he decided he didn't need our help and went home. Well shoot, I could have slept in another 30 minutes and now you woke Keaton up :( Ok, so my only "happy" was the thought " Hey, now I have time to run by Starbucks before church".

Since Christian wasn't feeling well, it was just Keaton and I. So, off we go, yippie skippie! A good 20 extra minutes to spare :) It wouldn't take long for my happy face to fade.

After pulling into the Starbucks parking lot, I thought I was doing the right thing and taking my keys in with me. "You know who" and keys in a vehical, never a good idea..he has already backed the car out of the driveway before, so take the keys! He can stay in the car, that's fine, I could see him from the window. But at some point he came into Starbucks, grabbed something ( I figured it was straws, you know for his fake windshield wipers) and then went back out into the car. As I proceeded to get my coffee, he came running back in yelling " I'm sorry mommy..." and a whole bunch of other words that I couldn't quite understand what he was talking about. That's ok, I held onto those keys and said " it can't be that bad, hang on a minute".

Out to the car I go, and he pointed to what he was trying to tell me. Quickly I realized that my coffee was going to cost me more that $3.48. Yep, sure was! Apparently he had come into Starbucks the first time to get a wooden stir stick to make his own " key". He proceeded to jam this in my ignition and then, it broke. I know this isn't the greatest of pictures, but look at the key hole and you can see a little something of which should be nothing...

As calmly as I could, as I am now being watched by everyone at Starbucks, I gave him a smidgett " what for" talking to and sent him in the rear, i mean, rear of the car. I didn't want him anywhere within reach...afraid I might loose it. A friend just happend to be there and tried to get it out with tweezers, to no avail. I called Charles, he came with is nifty surgury kit (where does he get this stuff) and still no luck. So....

here he is calling the locksmith. No, we never made it to church sunday morning. Yes, I had another cup of cofee and so did Charles. But I think the funniest thing about this event was when the locksmith came. Two other couples were sitting at the outside tables in front of Starbucks and watched both my husband and the locksmith go from eachother's vehical, to do some " exchanges" and then back to the other car. One couple called the other after they had left and told them to leave quick because a " drug deal' was going down at Starbucks! LOL, can you believe it! If only! I might need me a little something after dealing with Keaton's mess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is just the best story. Things your kids will get you into!