Thank you for coming to our Tiger Cub meeting tonight. I have a few questions that my mom would not let me ask. Here they are:
1. If you stuck a coffee stirrer in the ignition of the helicopter...what would happen? Would it still run?
2. If you lost a windshield wiper, would you come looking for a certain Tiger Cub who was VERY interested in it during the viewing at the Tiger Cub event?
3. Would you be able to spot a child riding down the bypass on his bicycle with your big spotlight?
4. Can I have your phone number, I might want to send you a few text messages, never mind what it say''s the thought that counts.
5. Do you sleep on the couch a lot like my dad does?
6. Can I have one of those speedometer dials to take home with me?
7. Do you monitor traffic in the morning and happen to pass by Pope Elementary school and see my mom push me out of the car every morning?
8. Can you come by my house on Sunday and pick me up for church? We can't stop by Starbucks, my mom says I am forbidden to ever go there again.
9. Did you know that things move faster when I don't take my ADHD medicine? I don't notice it but other people have.
10. Do you ever take your canine officer up in the helicopter, and if so..I have cat,Waffle, that would like to go for a ride in the helicopter. He likes to spin around and sometimes can fly. He has sharp nails, I hope your seats can handle him.
Thank you for your timely response...
Your Friend and future co-pilot,
Keaton Powell

PS. I am sorry, so very sorry! ( Keaton's Mom)
PSS. This is why we don't get out much! ( Keaton's mom)
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