Oh, just because I didn't post yesterday doesn't necessarily mean nothing went on. There is always something going on. I can just list a few:
.....cat thrown in the tub ( water everywhere for which the cat put up a good fight),
...... sugar all over the floor ( mixed with water because of the wet cat),
.....a call that apparently went out at midnight to my husband luckily, from my cell phone....funny, I know it wasn't me....
...... called my house to leave a message for Charles, found out that someone's special children changed the message machine with words like , " say boodie, boodie, ugly, apple bottom boodie....
Oh yes, things never are quiet around my house. Energy is abundant. You see, it's like this. People all the time ask me how can I deal with the craziness and how do I keep my sanity. I definitely have my moments people..if you are ever on the phone with me while the boys are acting up...then you know I loose it sometimes. OR, if you see me driving down the freeway with my flip flop off shaking it in the rear view mirror, then well...there ya go! But when the car pulls over, you better pray I don't end up on the six o'clock news!
Anyway, here is the way I look at it. All this activity is really actually a blessing in disguise. I never realized it before. I used to pray to God that my next child would not be hyper..I just simply couldn't take it! But here is the blessing...in order for Christian to still be walking, he has to remain active. The moment he gives in to being tired then .... slow down he becomes and soon not walking. Not walking leads to full time wheelchair, which leads to back issues (scoliosis) which leads to breathing issues etc... you get the picture? Oh YES! God knew what he was doing, sending Keaton my way. He sure did. He is here to keep Christian moving, keeping him active keeping him on his game so to speak. I see it now, don't like it ..but wouldn't have it any other way. For Christian to be 10 almost 11 and still walking and doing as well as he is, is pretty awesome in my book. No, I see it coming, I really do. I'm not blind to it, I have definitely seen some changes this past year. Getting up off the floor is harder, falling is more common, yet he gets back up!!! Keaton makes him get up! So, as crazy as the Powell home is, there is just cause for it...well...in a funny kinda way!

Hang in there buddy....just keep movin! Thanks to your brother, you will be movin for a LONG time :)
This was of the most touching posts I have ever read. Thank God for the blessings that are sometimes hard to see. Love ya, Michelle
I love you Christian and Keaton to the moon and back, even if you pour milk on my head, I will still love you!!
It is fantastic that he is still going at 10 almost 11. My cousin was in his wheelchair for about 2 years at that age. Way to go Christian and keep at him Keaton!
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