If you can't tell what it is...it is a wooden dowell hanging from his air conditioner vent. At least this time it wasn't his cabbage patch kid hanging from the ceiling fan, swirling around. But really, what in the world? So I had to ask. This is what he told me... " I was trying to make the letter "M"..huh, come again? How were you going to make that into a letter M? Well, he told me that he was going to get more dowell's and poke them in as well, just thought it would be "fun". This is also the same morning that he insisted on wearing this ( spot the objection):
Do you see it? A big NO NO in my house....socks with flip flops! Now I put up with the snow boots every now and again, but not socks with flip flops..NEVER! I am sure he get's this fashion advice from his father..someone who can dress like one of the " lollie pop kids" and think he looks devenaire.

Sorry ladies, he's taken!!!
You really can't make this stuff up!!!!!
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