Monday, January 4, 2010

STEROIDS can be your best friend!

UPDATE: Well, so far soo good! I resisted the bowl of chocolate on the table at work, said a prayer for my DMD guys....actually had numerous opportunities for a RAOK today, but the one I am giving credit for is cleaning off the desk of a co-worker who has been on maternity leave for 8 weeks and is due back to work tommorrow. Her desk looked a mess with dust and all of our junk on it. So, I took a bleach wipe, cleaned it all down, replaced her things and made it look just like she left it... she will never know.

Ok, now for fun stuff... umm, lets see... oh I could tell you about why I didn't post last night. Here's the scoop. I have been suffereing from this terrible itch that turns out to be an allergic reaction to my asthma med. So, I ended up getting a steroid shot last night around 7 ish.. which if any of you all have had this, knows that it's bound to set in motion HYPERACTIVITY. I get home, feeling pain from my shot. I sit for a bit and WHAM.. it hits me! I walked into Keatons room ( a place most should never go) and I finally got the engery to clean it out. I started at 9 and was finished by 10:30, I re-arranged furniture, pulled out his lovely stash from under the bed, dresser and closet and would have re painted had I had any paint. I should have taken a before and after pictures... here is what I found under the bed:

1. pot tart box, minus 4 pop tarts
2. soda can, empty
3.every battery that I bought for Christmas presents and couldn't find so I bought more, lost those and bought more.. get the picture?
4 lots o toys.. no matching parts
5. some computer speakers that he " cut" with ..
6. a pair of scissors
7. Tape of course.. lots of tape
8. candy wrappers
9. breakfast bar wrappers
10. his windsheild wiper that he usually sleeps with
11. screwdriver set
12. Christian's lego box
13. Cell phone car charger
and many many more, but this was what I could remember.

Yes, I do check his room quite frequently, but during the holidays, I just hadn't had the energy to tackel it. He was quite upset at my new rule ( which isn't new, just the punshment is) that for every piece of food found in his room, I will confiscate 1 playstation game. if he has no more games left, then the playstation goes. Ta da! He called me today while I was at work to tell me that he was " checking on me" wanted to know " what time I would be home" and that he is keeping his room clean...hmmm, don't think I didn't make it to his room first thing when I came home... but lucky for him, he was telling the truth and it looked pretty much like I left it yesterday :)

So, pictures to come of the misshaps, just not tonight..don't worry, there is plenty I'm sure! Till next post friends..Have a blessed day :)

1 comment:

Kat said...

I think I need steroids so my house will get