Thursday, October 30, 2008

Random Pics

Another fashion crisis...How would you like to wake up to this??? Can you say wedgi

Well, now for these next pic's let me explain something...My mother always sends the boys little treats for holidays. For halloween this year, she sent them a few items that I should have thought it through before letting them have at it... This is what I found hanging from my ceiling, windows, mirror, in the cat's mouth...

This next special little goodie was found EVERYWHERE...I am STILL cleaning this up...mind you this was sent last week. I find it showing up in places such as, floors, doors, cupboard, fridge, CAR, couch, carpet, the cat..... oh, and the tub. FYI... it doesn't wash off well when it dries... does say caution... I guess I should have read more carefully. What it is.. is a small tub of black slime... great for making mom's life a little busier..

Here are the pumpkin heads that distributed black goop everywhere...

Happy Halloween eveyone! Want some black goopy stuff?? I know just where you can find some...I still have some around the house.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What...NO MEDS?????

Well, did the impossible today....sent both boys to school without their ADHD medicine...Now, it wasn't exactly my choice...I just forgot to pick up their prescriptions, but before I go there...I first want to explain my busy schedule the last few days...

OK, exciting NEWS... I am a PROUD OWNER of a CAMPER!! Wha HOOOOO! This has taken a lot of space inside my I can't think of anything else but CAMPING!!!! So, lets start with Sunday..( after my lung's had to replaced back inside my body because I can't stop coughing) the whole eggs and ketchup thing ( see previous post).. well, then CAMPER OWNERSHIP happened. Ok, now Monday, we had a " see ya later" party for a co-worker and friend at work. After work, I had to rush to the Dr's office, then to the pharmacy.. then I had to rush home, collect the boys, and rush back to work for the party. Was there about 45 minutes before Keaton caused a scene in the lobby and then quickly headed home. FORGOT, yep.. the medicine. Now, had I remembered, Walgreen's is open 24 hrs in this here town...but NOOOO I certainly didn't remember. I had bathes, homework X 2 and dinner...and bathe a flea infested cat ( which was DRAMA in itself!!!). So, medicine, I just wasn't thinking.

Come this morning as I head to the med cabinet, I had a very ILL memory.. What am I going to do?? I have a full day of meetings in another town of which starts at 9:00. It takes me all of 45 minutes to get there, so I have NO TIME to run to Walgreens...YIKES!! Well, not my problem...someone else's.. I know terrible terrible thought..I admit..but what could I do??

Soo, no medication and a quick drop off at the school was my plan. However when I got in the car, all H E ( double hockey sticks) took over. I mean, fire, whirlwinds of fire, came from the back seat and WHAM, I hit the accelerator so that I could get them to school before the battle hit. Too late, basically had to threaten no trick or treating for the rest of their childhood and get them out of the car so that I could get out of line up. " This can't be good" was the thought as I pulled away..only to see Keaton give me the Tongue... and back into a empty parking space I go..OH YES, buddy are not done with me yet!! So, handled that then drove away thinking...YIKES, they are going to have a VERY BAD DAY!!!! What do I do, I will be out of town... do I miss my meeting's and go to Walgreens?? NOPE! Dear teachers...We know that Keaton is very special and because he is soo special, we want to share that specialness with you.. and here he is as without med's kinda like how I get him in the afternoons after it's all worn off...good luck with that!

So, I decided at that point to " turn off my ringer and ignore" so that I wouldn't have to take any unnecessary phone calls.. you know, I'm workin here! So at 2:40, I checked my messages and there were SEVERAL from the school...I decided to DELETE ALL MESSAGES and not even bother to listen... I am such a WONDERFUL parent, I should get PARENT OF THE YEAR AWARD, dontcha think?? Well, anyway, there it is folks! It really didn't end there, I had to put up with EXTREME HYPERNESS when I got home and then get them ready for Trunk or Treating at the church. Yeah, lets get some sugar in them tonight..go out with a BANG!! Right now they are locked in the closet...oops, I told on myself no, they are in their rooms, bathed, sweet and cute in their nighty's with visons of sugar plumbs dancing in their heads...yeah, right!

Oh, there is medication in the cabinet for tommorrow, I didn't forget!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Dear Mr. nice helicopter policeman,

Thank you for coming to our Tiger Cub meeting tonight. I have a few questions that my mom would not let me ask. Here they are:

1. If you stuck a coffee stirrer in the ignition of the helicopter...what would happen? Would it still run?

2. If you lost a windshield wiper, would you come looking for a certain Tiger Cub who was VERY interested in it during the viewing at the Tiger Cub event?

3. Would you be able to spot a child riding down the bypass on his bicycle with your big spotlight?

4. Can I have your phone number, I might want to send you a few text messages, never mind what it say''s the thought that counts.

5. Do you sleep on the couch a lot like my dad does?

6. Can I have one of those speedometer dials to take home with me?

7. Do you monitor traffic in the morning and happen to pass by Pope Elementary school and see my mom push me out of the car every morning?

8. Can you come by my house on Sunday and pick me up for church? We can't stop by Starbucks, my mom says I am forbidden to ever go there again.

9. Did you know that things move faster when I don't take my ADHD medicine? I don't notice it but other people have.

10. Do you ever take your canine officer up in the helicopter, and if so..I have cat,Waffle, that would like to go for a ride in the helicopter. He likes to spin around and sometimes can fly. He has sharp nails, I hope your seats can handle him.

Thank you for your timely response...

Your Friend and future co-pilot,

Keaton Powell

PS. I am sorry, so very sorry! ( Keaton's Mom)

PSS. This is why we don't get out much! ( Keaton's mom)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Cover Up

Well, it doesn't take long for things to happen around here. It seams when mom gets sick...the word "freedom" takes over and the world we know it goes to hades in a hand basket.

Now, I have been battling to keep my lungs inside my body. hacking and coughing up some unnatural stuff. Yuck, I know, but what does that mean for the two terrorists that live in my house? A license to destroy and conquer. ( or so they think..I have a way of bouncing back, just wait and see).

Sooo, to get some peace and quietness and a nap ( since I haven't slept well in two days), I left my husband in charge and went to the tanning bed to take my nappy nap. Let me just say that I was in DEEP sleep and man it felt wonderful!! So, after my 20 min nap, I left and went to Petco to buy flea stuff...don't ask, maybe another post.. So, home I go. When I pulled in the driveway, this is what I saw by the front door...

not a shrine, altar's my garden lava rocks covering some unknown substance...A COVER UP....hmmmm, what is that substance? Take a look at the next picture and you can figure it out..

and the next....

NO, a birdie did not fall out of the tree, it was eggs from my fridge.. the empty egg carton told the story. Oh, and that's not all..

Yeah, I was little afraid of this one..thought it was blood, then realized it was Ketchup! Oh, buddy..someone's going down!!

I walked in the house and it was QUIET... dead quiet. I called two familiar answer. No where to be found. Hiding. Yeah, you saw me come up the driveway! What happened? Christian did it! then..Keaton did it... no one claimed the eggs or ketchup. So, my next attack was not on them , it was on the one who was supposed to be in charge... and where might I find him? On the couch, asleep. Oh, I woke him alright.. wouldn't stand for his picture being taken because he knew this would end up on my blog..

Not long after this photo, my porch was cleaned as well as the mess in the kitchen., and I didn't move a muscle! Oh, I've got more..stay tuned because it is about just as bad as this...but you will have to wait for another day. I have to inspect the list of chores that three individuals are doing!

Friday, October 24, 2008


A while back, like last year I think, I volunteered (pressured more like it) to be a home room mom for Christian's third grade class. Little did his teacher know what she was getting into in signing me up. The one and only field trip I was allowed on was to the Pinson Mounds. For those that don't know what that is, it is a park not too far from here that used to be Indian territory. Now, I fell asleep during the " show" so I am not actually sure about what the mounds are for. But I think that it has something to do with death, burial stuff. Yeah, great little nappy nappy while the kids were quiet and attentive :) No one said I had to be. It's pretty bad when the teacher has to wake you up because you are snoring.

Moving right, I was in charge of 6 boys, all of which my son picked out as his " friends". Actually, I think they just liked me because I was " fun" and had to be talked to by the ranger dude and the teacher a few times as I was not suppossed to " touch" things...oops! Well, I took an assortment of photos while I was there. Check these out, be sure to keep your eye on the kid with the red shirt.

OK, innocent enough... check out the next..

Yep, little crazy...

Crazier still! yeah, my hands were full on this trip. I was not invited back. The kiddo with the white T-shirt on standing next to Christian is his good friend George. George is an AWESOME friend! He looks after him and will walk with him to the cafeteria to make sure that he doesn't fall. He is really a sweet kid! Don't quite no what to say about the kid in the red shirt other than he was funny as all get out! The teacher had jus about enough of him and was glad to pass him off to me...I thought he was hilarious!

I found this other picture that had nothing to do with the field trip, just a random shot. Keaton had just come back from Sunday night " might night" and was pretending to be " JESUS". Oh yes.....

Nice. At least his "parts" were covered up.

Well, that's gonna have to do it for now. I have several video's that Iwant to download, but have to find the right parts to connect it to my laptop. Not sure how to do this...but I am sure I will figure it out.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

God's Blessing

Oh, just because I didn't post yesterday doesn't necessarily mean nothing went on. There is always something going on. I can just list a few: thrown in the tub ( water everywhere for which the cat put up a good fight),

...... sugar all over the floor ( mixed with water because of the wet cat),

.....a call that apparently went out at midnight to my husband luckily, from my cell phone....funny, I know it wasn't me....

...... called my house to leave a message for Charles, found out that someone's special children changed the message machine with words like , " say boodie, boodie, ugly, apple bottom boodie....

Oh yes, things never are quiet around my house. Energy is abundant. You see, it's like this. People all the time ask me how can I deal with the craziness and how do I keep my sanity. I definitely have my moments people..if you are ever on the phone with me while the boys are acting up...then you know I loose it sometimes. OR, if you see me driving down the freeway with my flip flop off shaking it in the rear view mirror, then well...there ya go! But when the car pulls over, you better pray I don't end up on the six o'clock news!

Anyway, here is the way I look at it. All this activity is really actually a blessing in disguise. I never realized it before. I used to pray to God that my next child would not be hyper..I just simply couldn't take it! But here is the order for Christian to still be walking, he has to remain active. The moment he gives in to being tired then .... slow down he becomes and soon not walking. Not walking leads to full time wheelchair, which leads to back issues (scoliosis) which leads to breathing issues etc... you get the picture? Oh YES! God knew what he was doing, sending Keaton my way. He sure did. He is here to keep Christian moving, keeping him active keeping him on his game so to speak. I see it now, don't like it ..but wouldn't have it any other way. For Christian to be 10 almost 11 and still walking and doing as well as he is, is pretty awesome in my book. No, I see it coming, I really do. I'm not blind to it, I have definitely seen some changes this past year. Getting up off the floor is harder, falling is more common, yet he gets back up!!! Keaton makes him get up! So, as crazy as the Powell home is, there is just cause for a funny kinda way!

Hang in there buddy....just keep movin! Thanks to your brother, you will be movin for a LONG time :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Drug Deal

For those that are on Facebook, you will understand my post for yesterday morning and thought what in the world!

It all started with a doorbell waking us up early. Apparently the dude next door didn't quite know how to tie a tie and needed Charles' help. But when I openend the door and he took one look at me ( my hair does some crazy stuff while I'm asleep) he decided he didn't need our help and went home. Well shoot, I could have slept in another 30 minutes and now you woke Keaton up :( Ok, so my only "happy" was the thought " Hey, now I have time to run by Starbucks before church".

Since Christian wasn't feeling well, it was just Keaton and I. So, off we go, yippie skippie! A good 20 extra minutes to spare :) It wouldn't take long for my happy face to fade.

After pulling into the Starbucks parking lot, I thought I was doing the right thing and taking my keys in with me. "You know who" and keys in a vehical, never a good idea..he has already backed the car out of the driveway before, so take the keys! He can stay in the car, that's fine, I could see him from the window. But at some point he came into Starbucks, grabbed something ( I figured it was straws, you know for his fake windshield wipers) and then went back out into the car. As I proceeded to get my coffee, he came running back in yelling " I'm sorry mommy..." and a whole bunch of other words that I couldn't quite understand what he was talking about. That's ok, I held onto those keys and said " it can't be that bad, hang on a minute".

Out to the car I go, and he pointed to what he was trying to tell me. Quickly I realized that my coffee was going to cost me more that $3.48. Yep, sure was! Apparently he had come into Starbucks the first time to get a wooden stir stick to make his own " key". He proceeded to jam this in my ignition and then, it broke. I know this isn't the greatest of pictures, but look at the key hole and you can see a little something of which should be nothing...

As calmly as I could, as I am now being watched by everyone at Starbucks, I gave him a smidgett " what for" talking to and sent him in the rear, i mean, rear of the car. I didn't want him anywhere within reach...afraid I might loose it. A friend just happend to be there and tried to get it out with tweezers, to no avail. I called Charles, he came with is nifty surgury kit (where does he get this stuff) and still no luck. So....

here he is calling the locksmith. No, we never made it to church sunday morning. Yes, I had another cup of cofee and so did Charles. But I think the funniest thing about this event was when the locksmith came. Two other couples were sitting at the outside tables in front of Starbucks and watched both my husband and the locksmith go from eachother's vehical, to do some " exchanges" and then back to the other car. One couple called the other after they had left and told them to leave quick because a " drug deal' was going down at Starbucks! LOL, can you believe it! If only! I might need me a little something after dealing with Keaton's mess.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Letter "M"...

Let me just show you something and maybe you can help me understand.. I walked into my 6 year old's room the other morning and saw this:

If you can't tell what it is a wooden dowell hanging from his air conditioner vent. At least this time it wasn't his cabbage patch kid hanging from the ceiling fan, swirling around. But really, what in the world? So I had to ask. This is what he told me... " I was trying to make the letter "M"..huh, come again? How were you going to make that into a letter M? Well, he told me that he was going to get more dowell's and poke them in as well, just thought it would be "fun". This is also the same morning that he insisted on wearing this ( spot the objection):

Do you see it? A big NO NO in my house....socks with flip flops! Now I put up with the snow boots every now and again, but not socks with flip flops..NEVER! I am sure he get's this fashion advice from his father..someone who can dress like one of the " lollie pop kids" and think he looks devenaire.

See what I mean? Why would you wear a Leprechaun hat while swimming in the pool?

Friday, October 17, 2008

The don't want to know better....

Parents are known for using any measure possible to restore order. In my family growing up, it was the infamous "LOOK". I mean, you didn't EVEN want to get "THE LOOK", if you did..well good luck with that and if it happened while in church...forget it, life is over as you know it.

Oh, I've tried several times giving the look, but it doesn't work for me. Nope, the response I get is not fear, it's laughter. It's no fun going to walmart and giving " THE LOOK" because you're afraid to beat them in public and then have them break out in hysterical laughter. Yep, completly inneffective. So, no longer did I try to give " THE LOOK".....that is until this past summer. I found the perfect solution.

The boys became really familiar with what a true " LOOK" meant. No, not by my husband, ( he apperantly never had THE LOOK or really any kind of parenting..nice I know) but my dad. Now those that know my dad, well....they probably have seen " THE LOOK". It was a frequent visitor when my brother Darryl ( sorry bro) was around. He was a magnet for getting into trouble.. hmm, sounds familiar.

Anyway, let me explain. This past summer we flew to California for 10 days. 10 days which the first part was spent basically 2 full days traveling. What that means is 2 ADHD boys in a car, with my parents and countless opportunites for " THE LOOK". Oh, you and I know there were PLENTY of opportunites.. They actually did pretty well, but none the less..It happend. Something like this:

Air fair for 3 people: $800 ( I know a bargain)

Disneyland and various souvenirs: $100

The look........say it with me....PRICELESS!

Oh, yes it was effective, so much so that I had took a picture on my cell phone of it so that while in route back home, I had it for emergencies sake. Oh yah! Now, don't think that this little blog entry here will go without too will get a chance to see "THE LOOK".... feel free to download if you don't have this special gift.......

Oh yeah....I can laugh hystercially now...I am older, married, moved out of the house ( can't say this for my youngest brother though as he is still within close proximity..good luck with that Josh) . Yep, I still have it on my cell phone...for emergencies ( and a good laugh)!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

At What Price?

OK, so last night, instead of watching all of the debate ( because I clearly can't take it anymore) I decided to "Pimp" my blog. Yep, I'm thinking it looks purty stylish, and I am proud to have figured it all out. Now, if someone would actually read my blog, than all that hard work paid off...

But let me just tell you what my house looked like after spending a few hours in front of this thing... a DISASTER ZONE. Two ADHD kids, medicine worn off, free to do as they please. Never a good thing. When the screaming began followed by a thud, I arose from my lovely pad and restored order... a little benadryl and confinement to rooms did the trick. I spent the rest of the evening cleaning and putting books together and trying to find the cat. ( He was locked in my closet, apparently felt safer there and decided not to put up a fuss being there).

Well, I orginally started this blog because of many requests to write this stuff down. I mean, really, it is pretty funny! Now, on a serious note...another reason for this blog is to keep everyone updated on my son's status from his " muscle disease"...Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. Oh yeah, by now you are thinking...Jerry's kid? Well, yeah... but my kid! Now I plan to write some more stuff on this, give you some website's to check out etc..but for now, I'll just leave you with a very cute pic of this cutie pie...

Here he is after finding a bug while camping...glad it wasn't in his tent...I promise, everyone in the campground would know that he had found a bug in his bed.... So, enough for now, I don't want to pay for my mistakes like I did last night and spend the rest of the evening picking up cereal, paper, pillows, clothes, etc throughout my til later my bloggin friends :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You know it's bad when.....

... the best thing about your morning's is seeing your kids in the rear view mirror because mornings are CRAZY.

.....when the fireman recognizes your chid and you have no earthly idea why

.....when you never find what you are looking for under your 6 year old's bed, but instead you find items that may include: half eaten oreo's, screws, a radio that is torn apart, chips, spatula, YOUR VEHICALS MISSING WINDSHIELD WIPER... need i continue?

...when you hear these words in parent teacher conference: special, creative, unique, charming

...when Starbucks gives you an employee discount because you visit WAY too often

.... when your six year old is excited to show you his new item that daddy bought him....a stapler, with the name DELOACH ( his kindergarden teacher's name)..apparently not from daddy, how bout stolen from his teachers desk...

.....when you hear the loud speaker from Walmart annouce "Cleanup on Isle 5" and you turn around to see that you child has dumped flour all over the place while you were struggleing to figure out what ingredients your recipe calls for

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What in the world were you thinking?

Ok, really now...I want to be a good mom, a great mom in fact. But taking on the challenge of Tiger Cubs is not as easy as it sounds. Wow, 6 first graders in one cramped room spells DISASTER. So, why not take them to the Firehouse where they can learn something, get out in the open, act like good little scouts...hmm, like I said " What was I thinking?"

Let's start with the wait til another group arrives. You can tell the difference between the two packs. One pack had 5 little cutie pie's lined up on the sidewalk, reciting the Cub Scout Moto. Nice. Our little bunch was not lined up in a nice little row taking turns showing off what they know...NO, goodness no...they were busy swinging on the fireman's swing, climbing on the tree, running accross the parking lot to jump in a mud hole, playing tag, pushing the other boys ( who were told not to act like our group). Yeah! Ok, now whose child had to be rescued from the tree because he climbed to far up the tree to get down. Suddenly, he realized this and so did everyone else and they had to get the nice fireman to rescue, not my son.

OK, so now we have landed INSIDE the firehouse. What can they do there? Hmm, they first took a look at the fishtank and decided the fishy needed some foody so lets dump the foody in the fishy tank. Quickly, move to the next room. Ok, so we now enter the sleeping quarters. All the while, my group is struggling to " follow the leader". One was lost in another room where he was shoving the recliner in reverse and thus tiping it over and almost knocking down the little cubicals. Nice! Wasn't my kid, nope!

Next we enter the garage. Great, put them on a leash I say...better yet line them up on the fence and " hose em down boys". After seriously talking about fires and not playing with matches, someone's child ( not mine of course) decided to tell eveyone that his mama farts and will that set off the fire alarm? Hmmm, Seriously...WHAT WAS I THINKING? Lucky for me, they didn't understand him because he quickly got an " important" phone call on his make believe phone...probably from someone REAL important!

Moving right along. Member the " hose treatment?" Well, one child in particular decided that it would be kinda funny to play in the water....not funny.

Let's just say, the other leader was flabergasted at what a disgrace our 6 innocent little boys were up to, so I did what any other parent would have done...tried to find " their" faults. Here is what I found, a big one y'all..Do you remember the scary movie " The Grudge?" Well, they have one little boy in that group that was a spittin image of that little boy in the movie..Hmmm, things aren't exactly what they appear to be I kept telling myself.

So, my Tiger Cub adventures are just a smidgett of what I deal with on a constant basis. Keep tuned in because there is MUCH MUCH more to come. Everyday is a new day in....the powell family....