Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You know it's bad when.....

... the best thing about your morning's is seeing your kids in the rear view mirror because mornings are CRAZY.

.....when the fireman recognizes your chid and you have no earthly idea why

.....when you never find what you are looking for under your 6 year old's bed, but instead you find items that may include: half eaten oreo's, screws, a radio that is torn apart, chips, spatula, YOUR VEHICALS MISSING WINDSHIELD WIPER... need i continue?

...when you hear these words in parent teacher conference: special, creative, unique, charming

...when Starbucks gives you an employee discount because you visit WAY too often

.... when your six year old is excited to show you his new item that daddy bought him....a stapler, with the name DELOACH ( his kindergarden teacher's name)..apparently not from daddy, how bout stolen from his teachers desk...

.....when you hear the loud speaker from Walmart annouce "Cleanup on Isle 5" and you turn around to see that you child has dumped flour all over the place while you were struggleing to figure out what ingredients your recipe calls for

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