Monday, November 10, 2008

Sign Sign...Everywhere a Sign...

Brotherly love. Nothing quite like it I'm sure, but I wouldn't two rarely get along. They make Cain and Able saints! ( Hopefully they don't end up like Cain and Able). Well, so it's like this. Yelling , screaming, fighting, throwing things back and forth...Yes, quite disturbing. Oh, but there are moments that are nice to witness ( if you're ever lucky to catch this) , like when Christian falls outside...the first one on the scene is Keaton, and then he runs to tell me. Probably because he was the one who caused him to fall..Sometimes he can be real sweet and comfort him. You know, hit..I mean PAT him on the head... Sometimes they play beautifully together, but I would say that this is like the sighting of bigfoot..they say it exists, some have seen it...not soo sure.

Now here is what I do when such screaming, hateful rages towards eachother happen. Sometimes, they REALLY despise this, I have them hug one another and stay that way for 5 minutes. PURE TORTURE, I know..EVIL mom! They both cry and pitch a fit, but if that doesn't work...I do the written work. Say something nice to one another in words! Oh yes! Keaton has finally gotten to the age that he can somewhat participate in this. Now being a first grader, he should be spelling a whole lot better than what he is doing. But, he is no ordinary first grader and is too busy checking out the heater, air conditioner or pencil sharpener to pay attention. Thus is the reason why we will be back in the first grade next year.

They have even taken this written assignment a step further and now make " signs".
First..Christian's bedroom door...

and another... just to make himself clear as to WHO is to not come in or touch the sign...

ohh, and these inside his room...

I guess this sign was accompanied by another that somehow dissappeared.. don't worry, I can tell you what it said..


Nice. Thanks for the warning. And, most close attention, make NO mistakes!

Next Keaton's room. Of course I thought he did pretty good with " sounding out" Christian. It says " No Christian Powell" know, not to be confused with any other christian.

Ok, here is what I had to ask him to clairfy...

He basically told me that he was telling christian some not so nice words and that only I could come in his room, keaton has spoken! Thank goodness he can't spell...wonder what those not so nice words are....

Well, this is it for the "sign's" for now. Several pop up from time to time, I'll be sure to post them when they happen.


Unknown said...

Kylie has started to make signs this year. She puts them all around the house. Most of them are to remind Zack of the things he is not supposed to do. Like "no jumping on the couch" and "stay out of my room" and "don't come in the bathroom if the door is closed". She does have a loving side though. She has made a couple of signs for above his bed, like "sleep well" or "have good dreams". When her friends come over to play she ususally puts up a couple of "no Zack's allowed" signs up in various places. She also makes signs for the cats.

Heidi Zawisza said...

oh my this what I have to look forward to soon??? Yikes!
(actually it's kind of funny....but only because they are not MY kids!! ha!)